Top fastest-working home remedies for healthier hair!

It’s high time you turned to smart hair care making use of the blessings of nature. Homemade cosmetics are all-natural and you’re highly likely to have all necessary ingredients at your fingertips (or in your kitchen cabinet). DIY hair products are free from chemicals – let your hair rest from readymade cosmetics and try home remedies to stun with envious hairdo.

Homemade hair products

Chamomile hair rinse

Hair rinse is the fastest remedy that instantly improves condition and appearance of strands, and this one also boosts shine in blonde hair. Prepare 3 chamomile tea bags and hard soap. Make your chamomile tea and infuse for ten minutes. Wash the hair using hard soap and mix chamomile infusion with a liter of boiled water. Pour it over the hair slowly – you don’t need to rinse the hair with water because chamomile moisturizes hair, leaves it soft and shiny, and keeps scalp healthy.

Hair rinse for dark hair

This rinse is great for brunettes and brown-haired women: put two spoons of cinnamon, a few cloves and some marjoram into a pot. Cook for fifteen minutes in one liter of water. Mix the infusion with cool black tea and rinse the hair after a wash.

Egg hair mask

This is a perfect, natural mask for delicate, brittle hair. Egg-based mask is a repairing, strongly-nourishing hair compress that delivers what hair needs the most – proteins.

An egg hair mask is made of 2 yolks, 10 dag of yeast, 1/2 teaspoon of castor oil and optionally liquid paraffin. Apply the mixture to hair and let it sit for 20 minutes. This mask also enhances the hair color and boosts shine in color-treated hair.

Beer hair mask

Beer is an amazing hair conditioner since it’s rich in hop extract which strengthens hair and adds lovely gloss. Use it for weak, thinning hair. Combined with alcohol, hop regulates the secretion of sebum and increases blood flow to scalp so, in other words, it holds back hair loss.

Make sure you use flat beer for your hair rinse. Ideally open the bottle thirty minutes before use so that beer goes flat. Rub it into the strands like a regular conditioner or use it as a rinse after shampooing.

Herbal hair mask

I’m sure you’ve seen shampoos enriched with nettle, horsetail or willow bark which are must-haves for weak, thinning hair and treating dandruff and oiliness.

Pour boiling water over a spoon of dried horsetail and nettle, infuse for 20 minutes or so, add some boiled, cool water, drain and pour the mixture on the hair after every hair wash. After around two weeks your hair will recover and look stunning, healthy and luminous.

Fruit hair mask

Masks featuring fruit nourish and intensely moisturize very dry hair. Smash one avocado and mix it with a spoon of honey and spoon of beauty oil (jojoba, almond, argan or castor oil).

Ingredients in this mask smooth out the hair structure. Zinc, copper and silicon found in honey strengthen hair from within and strongly moisturize. Natural oils rebuild inner hair structures; castor oil prevents hair loss, has antiseptic effect, effectively picks up toxins and cleanses the hair.