Nightmare of hairmaniacks? Matte, dry and brittle hair with split ends. We tend to stick to various methods just to avoid such problematic situations from occurring. Unfortunately, hair is constantly exposed to the damaging action of humidity, the sun, high temperature and chemical substances. For that reason, it's crucial to provide the strands with the comprehensive protection, and when they have gotten even more weakened, follow with the regenerative treatment. Hair conditioner is a good way to rescue damaged hair.

There are plenty of factors that affect the state of our hair. Some of them can improve condition of the strands or worsen it, especially if mismatched with our current hair needs. There is also a group of factors that inflicts only harm on our hair. More often than not, we aren't even aware of this fact and we unconsciously keep exposing our hair to massive damage.

Factors That Cause Damage to Our Hair:

  • Cosmetics that don't match with our hair needs.
  • The use of too intensive shampoos for hair washing.
  • Sleeping with loosen or wet hair.
  • Exposing hair to high temperatures, for example, frequent straightening or blow-drying.
  • Combing wet hair or giving the hair tugs.
  • Scrapping hair against a towel at drying.
  • Frequent use of alcohol-containing hair styling products.
  • Regular hair dying or highlighting.
  • Very tight ties, especially if worn often.
  • Imprecise hair cosmetic removal.
  • Either too frequent or too rare hair washing.
  • Complete resignation from using hair conditioners.

The first step in severely stressed hair care isn't a conditioner. It's obvious that this cosmetic delivers benign action. However, there is no need in fooling oneself - a hair conditioner itself won't work if the strands are constantly exposed to damages. Therefore, always at the beginning of any hair restoring treatment, you need to eliminate the source of damage, like for example, stop blow-dying, limit the use of a hair curler, or wash your hair more gently.

How to Take Care of Severely Dried-Out Fine Hair?

A product that comes to the rescue for visibly damaged hair is a good hair conditioner. It's highly important to use only these cosmetics that fulfil our hair needs. In the light of this, weakened hair requires proteins as well as moistening and protective substances. In short, all we need is the protein-humectant-emollient protection. For healthier appearance and good hair condition, you'll need:

  1. Proteins which are the natural building blocks of hair fibres.
  2. Humectants that provides deep moisturisation.
  3. Emollients that keep water inside hair and protect it.

In order to supply your hair with all the essential elements from the above-mentioned categories, it’s worth knowing how to find them on the ingredients list. Every hair conditioner has different composition that delivers a certain action. Therefore, before you buy a particular product, first look at the formula very closely.

Proteins are especially useful for damaged and brittle hair. Its structure is disturbed as the hair lacks reinforcement which is delivered by keratin, silk, elastin as well as milk and wheat proteins, also soy or oat proteins. When it comes to dehydrated hair, it needs humectants, which are glycerine, panthenol, honey, aloe, urine and hyaluronic acid, to name just a few. Hair smoothing and protection against water evaporation and deprivation of nourishing substances is owned to emollients, which are hair oils, vegetable butters, waxes, fatty acids and light silicones.

Alternative to Hair Conditioners: HAIR OILS

As it's proven by the practice, just one ideal hair conditioner doesn't exist. For that reason, it's worth seeking for an alternative solution. What can replace such cosmetic? The best option is to reach for hair oils that are already available almost everywhere. It turns out that such products aren't only more natural as hair conditioners, but also they have many assets that can't be simply overlooked. Indeed, hair care is a complex process therefore the choice of the right cosmetic is crucial here.


The Perfect Hair Conditioner Is...

... the product that helps with maintaining the above-mentioned balance. A good hair conditioner doesn't only contain oils, but also proteins and moistening substances. It's important, whenever possible, to choose products that are composed of natural ingredients. Also the oils should be of high quality. It's better when these are mostly made from unsaturated fatty acids. Vegetable oils serves healthy, low porosity hair.

The following comparison and short review of hair conditioners belonging to various brands can help you to decide which cosmetic to choose. The purchase has to be always well-though-out. Don't pay the attention to the nice-looking labels, but spare some time and read the list of ingredients and get to know the consistency.